Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Marriage Is...

…wonderful. However, it’s a weird feeling when everything in your social life is going so swimmingly that you actually have some time for yourself. I look at some of my friends in all-consuming (read: bad) relationships and think that if they had half of the drama in their lives, they'd be so much further along by now. I remember college being that way. You were just so engrossed with yourself and your relationships—and occasionally your classes—that there wasn’t any time left over for anything else.

Anyway. Now that I’m married and my work life is going pretty well, I’m realizing that I need something other than taking the subway to and from work everyday and planting myself in front of the TV every night. We’re considering having a baby at some point, yes—at which point I will be consumed again, I’m sure—but in the meantime trying to discover what I actually enjoy doing is a challenge. I can see why people who claim to be perfectly happy in middle age cheat anyway. It’s an effort to pursue things outside your relationship.

So. I’ve started this blog, which has given me something to look forward to at the end of each day. I’ve been spinning at the gym, which helps with stress and hopefully—eventually—with thighs. I’m still trying to get through to the ASPCA so I can feel like I’m doing something to help all the Simons and Mandies of the world. And I’m thinking about pursuing dog training as a second career at some point.

This getting-married-and-turning-30-and-living-happily-with-your-husband-and-two-dogs-in-Brooklyn thing is pretty sweet. But after 28 years of obsessing about relationships and jobs, it can be a bit daunting too.