Monday, November 28, 2005

Spinning in circles

I haven’t been spinning recently. First I got busy getting ready to go to Puerto Rico. Then I had a cold, then it was Thanksgiving. I’m about 10 pounds heavier than I was when I got married in July. I think my weight literally went 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 with only the briefest stop at the negative 10 mark. I’ve been stuck at this weight since I turned 28, which is when I suddenly got wrinkled too. Cry me a river, I know, but I swear I wouldn’t care except that my clothes don’t fit properly when there's this much more of me to love.

Poor Yan on the other hand has gained about 30 pounds since we moved in together two and a half years ago. He had a guest spot on CNBC today and a trader friend in Boston caught the show and instant messaged the following:

Boston: how's the food in nyc?
Boston: it's probably just the camera angle
Yan: or the 7 chins.
Yan: one or the other.
Yan: you won't believe this, but i'm off to meet a guy for lunch.
Boston: have fun. u don't have to finish it all.

I have to hand it to Yan--he has a good sense of humor. But then he doesn’t really look bad at all. Call it vanity, but each of us were so consumed with our own weight gain that neither of us noticed the other’s. Or that’s what Yan claims anyway. He’s probably just being nice. As for him, he’s run two marathons so as far as I’m concerned he kicks my ass for life.